Tuesday, October 26, 2010

And when I said "out of my comfort zone" . . .

Really? My first excursion out of the house was to a celebration at a daycare/preschool that Scott has been involved with. Really, a great cause. A woman named Bina started it because she realized that many single women could not work outside of the home because they had kids, but they had to work to support their kids. A true testament to will power and a heart of gold.

But me, being swarmed by 60 two to six year-olds? It was like Hitchcock remade The Birds with the sole purpose of freaking me out.

Really, they were very cute. No, really.

1 comment:

  1. hilarious lisa. good luck out there and may your dealings with swarms of toddlers be kept to a minimum! if you wanted that, you could have stayed here and babysat my boys! dina
